



我个人的理解:窗口也是一种分组,但和 group by 的分组不同。窗口,可以提供分组之外,还可以执行对每个窗口进行计算。可以相像成是group by 后,然后对每个分组进行计算,而不像Group by ,只是单纯地分组。


function_name ([expression [, expression ... ]]) OVER window_name
function_name ([expression [, expression ... ]]) OVER ( window_definition )
function_name ( * ) OVER window_name
function_name ( * ) OVER ( window_definition )

窗口函数的调用总是包含一个OVER子句,即窗口函数的名称和参数。 该语法区别于普通函数或聚合功能。OVER子句决定究竟将 查询的行如何通过窗口函数拆分处理。OVER子句内的PARTITION BY分区指定 行划分成组,或分区,共享相同的PARTITION BY值。 对于每一行,窗口函数通过同一个分区作为当前行的行进行计算



select path, cost, sum(cost) over (partition by path ) as sum_cost from tcost;


Function Return Type Description
row_number() 行号 bigint number of the current row within its partition, counting from 1 。返回当前窗口的行数,计数从1开始。主要就是遇到相同排名时的区别,即相同的数值,排名是不同的,而且也不是确定的。
rank() 排名(保持间隔) bigint rank of the current row with gaps; same as row_number of its first peer。当前窗口中,相同的数值排名是相同的,但是还是会保留间隔的。比如:1,1,3。如果是 row_number 会是 1,2,3。也可能是:1,2,3这样子下去,这个看数据是否有相同。
dense_rank() 排名(不保持间隔) bigint rank of the current row without gaps; this function counts peer groups。这个函数与 rank() 一样,只是它不会保持间隔的,相同的数据在同一排名,然后会是下一个排名。如:1,1,2,3,3,4等。
percent_rank() 排名的百分比 double precision relative rank of the current row: (rank - 1) / (total rows - 1)。这条是得出结果的公式。可知相同的排名,结果是一样的。
cume_dist() double precision relative rank of the current row: (number of rows preceding or peer with current row) / (total rows)。即小于等于当前行值的行数/总行数。结果为 0<结果<=1
ntile(num_buckets integer) 可以将结果集放到我们指定数目的组中 integer integer ranging from 1 to the argument value, dividing the partition as equally as possible。组的数目从1开始计。分组的依据:1,每组的记录数不能大于它上一组的记录数。2,所有组中的记录要么都相同,要么从某组开始后面所有组的记录数都与该组的记录数相同
lag(value any [, offset integer [, default any ]]) same type as value returns value evaluated at the row that is offset rows before the current row within the partition; if there is no such row, instead return default. Both offset and default are evaluated with respect to the current row. If omitted, offset defaults to 1 and default to null 。向前获得相对于当前记录指定距离的那条记录的数据
lead(value any [, offset integer [, default any ]]) same type as value returns value evaluated at the row that is offset rows after the current row within the partition; if there is no such row, instead return default. Both offset and default are evaluated with respect to the current row. If omitted, offset defaults to 1 and default to null。向后获得相对于当前记录指定距离的那条记录的数据
first_value(value any) same type as value returns value evaluated at the row that is the first row of the window frame。获取当前窗口的第一个值。
last_value(value any) same type as value returns value evaluated at the row that is the last row of the window frame 。获取当前窗口的最后一个值。
nth_value(value any, nth integer) same type as value returns value evaluated at the row that is the nth row of the window frame (counting from 1); null if no such row。获取窗口中第N个值。